Luke, I never got to meet you but heard so much about you. I am so lucky to know your wonderful family. Sleep tight little angel and mind and watch over your little brother and sister. Louise xxxxxx
26th October 2011
As I think that you left us 8 years ago tonight, I miss you still xxx You will always be my little angel and I will always think of you and love you xxxx
From Mummy on 25/10/2011
A poem given to me after you passed away from Uncle Dai and Aunty Pauline
I can't reach out to comfort you
or hold your tiny hand
The precious dreams I held
Can't be fulfilled the way I planned
Sometimes I say a little prayer
In hope prehaps I might
Have one last chance to tuck you in
Before I say goodnight
So much I would have shared with you
But as we had to part
there's just an empty silence
Echoes in my broken heart
17th April 2008